Homeschool Butterfly

Floating through
your Homeschool

Great Style For Everyone

I Love to Help People Feel Confident in Their Homeschooling.

Discover the often misunderstood life of homeschooling

Whatever you thought about homeschooling, take it out of your mind. It’s such a liberating season in life, and you will grow so much. Teaching small human beings to love God, love to learn and love others is a challenge. This homeschooling life will lead you to re-train your mind, acknowledge your strengths and laugh at your weaknesses. The homeschooling community is truly a way of life, you will laugh with friends, educate together, experience the world together and speak encouragement and truth like no other community. Homeschooling is for me, and it can be for you too. 

Who knows your children better than you do? No one is more qualified to teach your children than you.

Homeschooling: What does it look like? It is an extension of life, as education happens all around us. Education doesn't just happen in the confines of a textbook.

Teachers Apply

Don't even sweat it! Teaching experience may come naturally. After all, you have been teaching your child since the day they were born.


Don't homeschool alone, take a look at some tips I have on finding community and support. Necessary tools for any homeschooling toolbelt.

Naysayers Begone

Don't listen to the crowd. You really can homeschool, your kids won't turn out weird, socialization is done in abundance, and they can perform better than their public school counterparts.You can do this!

Area of Expertise!

Fancy yourself a Homeschooler?

Homeschooling is a way of life and inspiration for those who wish to engage themselves with a new way of living that goes against the grain of society. Forming up children and teens that become creative, independent thinkers while forming well-rounded adults for the future. 

New blog coming soon

Can’t wait to dedicate some great content to this site. Interested in a particular subject? Send me a message!

Contact Me

Want to feature me on your podcast, or at a speaking engagement?

I can speak on Charlotte Mason based education, homeschooling, faith, parenting multiple children, large family homeschooling, running a co-op, getting started homeschooling, running a small business and more.